Homelessness “Worst Man-Made Disaster in the U.S.”
A recent Sky News video reveals how homelessness is increasing at a rapid rate, and how Southern California struggles to house them. Reverend Andy Bales calls it the “Worst man-made disaster in the U.S.” Read more and watch video here: http://news.sky.com/story/1612754/states-of-emergency-over-homeless-crisis
There were more homeless people dying on the streets of Orange County, CA. in 2015, than any other county in Southern CA.. Homelessness is increasing in OC, CAL. at a staggering 10% or more each year.
Help TTM ministries create a 24/7 emergency hotline to help solve this serious problem. To help or needing help: Go to https://www.tendertouchministries.org/get-involved/ and be part of the solution.
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